What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? I thought deciding to go to Dublin for three months would be at the top of my list. That just goes to show that anything is possible. Last year, I had taken a course on Michelangelo’s Life and Works and fallen in love with his masterpieces and with Florence. Little did I know that my trip across the pond would also allow me to travel to Italy. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity. I spent three days between Pisa, Florence, and Bologna. Trekking to the Leaning Tower was more than I bargained for but amazing to see. It was comical that as everyone else was looking at the tower, I was staring at the doors of the Baptistery taking my own photos. One couple turned around and gasped when they saw the biblical scenes that had my attention. After that, it was off to Florence! In a country that speaks Italian with English provided second on signs and messages, I did pretty well to not get lost.
Saturday was twelve hours jam packed with sights. I began the day with David and went on a Renaissance walk of the city, stopping for the Bargello, Uffizi, Orsanmichelle, and the Pitti Palace, sprinkling in other piazzas and churches along the way. 24,000 steps and 25 flights of stairs later, I ended my day. Sunday was my return to Dublin via Bologna. Passing the city made me evaluate how different they all are. Pisa was historic with modern touches. Florence was classic as if it had not been touched by time. Bologna was a city on the rise in today’s world. This trip was amazing, and just the first of many adventures!
I’ll be sharing and updating pictures as I travel.