To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
-Tony Robbins
While written posts on a topic are a great way to share information, sometimes allowing your audience to listen and see provides an additional platform for your message. Videos and podcasts express emotions you might not be able to convey in words. In the event that your audience is younger than most, providing fun segments keeps them interested and responsive.
Six months may not seem like enough time to change your life, but it sure is enough time to change the direction you are going in and get started on a deeper more meaningful journey.
Watch the transformation.
My LEAPYEAR Project: Cultural Exploration
A leap is a specific time-bound project designed to help you discover something new. I decided to dive into Cultural Exploration.
Stay tuned for the update on the leap I took!
Science Education​
Science is a fascinating aspect of our daily lives that creates unique observations to learn from.
As part of a Science Communication Seminar, I created a mini-podcast that would explore popular topics that a child could listen to. WIth cartoons and descriptions, exposing young learners to topics is an easy process
The video is a segment from a series short explaining the tectonic plates.
The podcast is an easy explanation of the water cycle.
For a child, any lesson can become a fun activity. For a parent, the ride to school is an excellent opportunity to tune into a kid-friendly educational program.